Climate Change Consultancy
Climate change emerges as one of today's greatest global challenges, requiring businesses and societies to take urgent and effective measures to secure their sustainable future. With climate change consultancy services, our company offers comprehensive and innovative solutions to help our customers manage climate change risks, reduce emissions and achieve sustainability goals.
Climate Change Risk Assessment
- İşletmelerin iklim değişikliğine karşı maruz kalabileceği risklerin analiz edilmesi.
- Risk yönetimi stratejileri ve aksiyon planlarının oluşturulması.
Sustainability Reporting and Indices
- Şirketlerin sürdürülebilirlik performanslarının ölçülmesi ve raporlanması.
- Dow Jones Sürdürülebilirlik Endeksi ve diğer endekslere uygun raporlama danışmanlığı.
Developing Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies
- İklim değişikliğine uyum sağlama ve emisyon azaltma stratejileri geliştirme.
- Yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına geçiş planları oluşturma.
Policy and Legislative Consultancy
- Consultancy on compliance with national and international climate change policies and legislation.
- Providing information and guidance on new regulations and incentives related to climate change.
Natural Resource Management and Conservation Planning
- Su kaynakları, ormanlar ve diğer doğal kaynakların sürdürülebilir yönetimi ve korunması için planlar geliştirme.
- Biyoçeşitlilik koruma ve ekosistem hizmetleri yönetimi danışmanlığı.
Carbon Footprint Analysis
- Ürün ve hizmetlerin karbon ayak izinin hesaplanması.
- Şirketlerin karbon ayak izini azaltma stratejileri geliştirme.
Our Potential Stakeholders
- Large-scale industrial and production facilities.
- Energy production companies.
- Municipalities and public institutions.
- Agriculture and food producers.
- Logistics and transportation companies.
- Production and manufacturing companies.
- Financial services and insurance companies.
- Agricultural sector, farmers.
- Construction and infrastructure projects.
- Municipalities and local governments.
- Industrial and production facilities.
- Energy companies.
- Corporate companies and their employees.
- Educational institutions, schools, universities.
- Construction companies and project developers.
- Real estate investment companies.
- Agriculture and forestry sectors.
- Water management organizations.
- Industrial and energy companies.
- Investment companies and funds.
- Large-scale corporate companies.
- Financial services and investment firms.
- Governments and public institutions.
- Industrial unions and sector associations.